In the middle of the quarantine.
We couldn’t meet anyone.
Suddenly we got separated from each other.
We did everything alone. Walking, having coffee, watching a movie, doing groceries…etc.
We even could barely have casual conversation with a stranger, like “I like your shoes!”,
because literally there was almost no one outside and people were wary of each other.
We have felt alone…

...But we found Zoom!!
It made many of us keep connected each other.
It gave us energy.
Watching friend’s smile made us smile too.
“Long time no see! How have you been!?”
chatting and chatting every week.
After a few months, the COVID situation got a bit better.
Hanging out outside seemed like allowed.

“So…Why not meeting in person in a park !? and maybe dance together!?”
“Yeeees!!” “Let’s meeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!”
Start practicing a choreography to dance together.
The fact that we finally have a plan to meet friends made us so excited.
It changed our daily mood.
Finally, we meet in person for the first time since the pandemic happened.
We are just so happy…
Keep happy, hoping people around us get positive energy by watching our happy & funky
energy & dance.

message in this work
We tend to forget about the importance of people. But the COVID-19 made us realize it.
Even though we are coming back to normal now (July 2021), I would like everyone, including me, not to forget, but to remember and take more care of it.
And lastly, I hope everyone will smile and get some positive energy by watching this work.
Since both smiling and laughing are proven to have extraordinary effects on both a person’s mental and physical health,
nothing would be happier for me than my work makes you smile or laugh!!

From Osaka Japan.
10+ year career dance artist, writer, and activist . She attended International Dance Program for 3 years in the academy Peridance Center in NYC working with and for international and national choreographers as Amy Jordan “Victory Dance Project Company”, Ashlé Dawson “ESTADO INGRAVITTO”, Julia Eshstrand and Elisabetta Minutoli. Her major is improvisation with a unique mix of many dance styles like contemporary, floorwork and locking/popping. She writes about art/dance/LGBTQIA+ holding workshops about “real diversity” founding in 2021 the organization LIVABALL in Japan.
sara pizzi

From Italy.
She started her career as a commercial dancer and teacher appearing in national tv shows and concerts.
Now it has been 4 years Sara moved to NYC, graduating at the Academy Peridance Center, working with international choreographers finding her new voice as contemporary- conceptual dance artist. Now she is working as free lancer founding her creative space SlR|P|Z and dancing with several NY artists and dance companies.
Born in Madrid, Spain.
She began her dance journey with street jazz. Eventually she started practicing ballet and joined ComUnity Danza’s Urban Dance Formation, under the direction of Ainara Prieto, where she developed her love for all the different styles and values of the community.
Alice also has an Audiovisual Direction degree and worked with some major TV companies before earning a scholarship to Peridance’s Certificate Program, giving her the opportunity to pursue her dance career and expand her vocabulary with jazz, tap and contemporary. Since then she’s had the chance to work with and perform works by Princess Lockerooo, Gwen Potter, Sun Kim, Diego Funes, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Bo Park, Nicholas Palmquist, Miki Tuesday, Justin Boccitto, Aika Takeshima, Sara Pizzi and Quilan Cue Arnold (among others), combining both her dance and audiovisual skills.

Born and raised in Japan.
She started dancing at the age of four with ballet. Her style changed to street when she joined SIVA dance team in Obihiro University in Hokkaido. Over the years she learned so many different styles such as street jazz, hiphop, waacking, house and locking. She became the champion at GATSBY Dance Competition in Hokkaido. After graduating, she went to Niigata to join the dance team Unity and trained in hiphop and contemporary. In 2018, she moved to NYC and joined A Rhythm Company. Within the year she also became the co-director of the team and started teaching at Lollipop Dance Studio. She joined the Neighbors in 2019 and got 2nd place at Prelude East Coast 2019. In 2020, She choreographed a piece and led A Rhythm Company to victory.