My mission as a dancer is to break the distinction between art and life.
Everything from our daily life can be art but It is the role of the artist to see the art to keep it and fix this moment eternally. Art will find beauty in everything.
Simplicity that amplifies expressivity.
Art is creating life.
Differently from other artists, dancers are not making art, dancers are art.
“Art must not be beautiful, and artists must not be beautiful” as Marina Abramović said.
Art must be real.
I believe in dreams and in people that work hard every day to realize them.
The body is not a perfect container: it is a perishable and fragile layer that is containing energy in transformation.
Art is trusting the process.
Be like water: if you are water, you can be everything.
Dance allows you to express what you cannot say.
Exploring the unknown: inside and outside to arrive in the place where you cannot really reach.
It is not about giving answers, but to create questions.
I dance to give my contribution to this world giving my point of view trying to inspire other human beings.
Dance is a metaphor of life.